In keeping with my riding the bike for at least 15 miles a month routine (it’s been many more on the non winter months), last night I took my ride for January. Which clearly it was the frosty ball run. For the most part, I’ve been keeping fairly warm, but I’ve got a few issues to resolve. First, I wear old school Under Armour, the one with the fuzzy inside, I assume it’s what they call the Cold Base now, as I got mine years ago.  The last ride I took in December, there were snow flurries coming down, and just the UA under the jeans wasn’t enough. So last night I wore a pair of long johns over the UA. That seemed to help cut the wind down on my legs.  I think what I need to do is put fleece or something inside the pant legs to really kill the wind, that and remember my hand/toe warmers. Beyond that, it was a good run. I’m still working on the fogging of the goggles part, but I think I can solve that fairly easy.
Sorry for the crappy pic, I was freezing.